Rema Dri-Vac Corporation | Sales, Service, Parts
At Gulf Coast Equipment Sales, we are proud to offer our customers help with purchasing or replacing products from REMA Dri-Vac Corporation.
REMA Dri-Vac Corporation is a 3rd generation family-owned and operated business that has been manufacturing durable, quality equipment since 1947.
The quality and craftsmanship of REMA products align with our mission to only provide the very best in top dry cleaning brands at the most competitive prices. If you run a dry cleaners, hotel, laundromat, distillery or assisted living home in Florida then we have the ideal REMA Dri-Vac product for you.

What REMA Products Do We Sell?
We offer all of REMA’s quality air vacuums, condensate tanks, and fabricare equipment.
- Air Vacuums
- Blow Down Tanks
- Burks Pumps
- Condensate Receivers
- Return Systems
- Parts and Service
Air Vacuums
Air vacuums made by REMA Dri-Vac are built to last forever. REMA air vacuums never rust because they are manufactured with jet-aircraft aluminum turbine assemblies. When you purchase a REMA air vacuum you get a superior, quality product that not only resists corrosion but defeats vibration with no air drag. You also receive a 1-year warranty on the motor, turbine, and condenser tank.
- Better and Faster – Because REMA air vacuums drop steam consumption quickly, you get decreased boiler loads and reduced energy. This means you see an improvement in your bottom line.
- Service & Specialities – Need your air vacuum in specific color? No problem. Just send us a color swatch. They are also available in vertical, overhead, and dual set up. Models can serve 1-25 presses in 50hz and 60hz, single, and three phase.
- Brand Name Leader – REMA Dri-Vac Corp. is well known in the industry for being the leader in quality products. We stand behind REMA’s record for high quality in sales, parts, and service.

Blow Down Tanks
When you purchase a REMA Blow down tank, you get a high quality product that works hard to clean up sludge and build-up from inside your boiler. These non-code blow down tanks are made from high-quality steel and welded for even the toughest in-code specifications.
You can also purchase a coded model from 1 hp to 15 hp stamped with an ASME certification. The best part is that they are maintenance-free which means you get to save time and money.
Better and Faster
- Because REMA air vacuums drop steam consumption quickly, you get decreased boiler loads and reduced energy. This means you see an improvement in your bottom line.
Service & Specialities
- Need your air vacuum in specific color? No problem. Just send us a color swatch. They are also available in vertical, overhead, and dual set up. Models can serve 1-25 presses in 50hz and 60hz, single, and three phase.
Brand Name Leader
- REMA Dri-Vac Corp. is well known in the industry for being the leader in quality products. We stand behind REMA’s record for high quality in sales, parts, and service.

Burks Pumps
At Gulf Coast Equipment, we have a large selection of burks pumps and burks pump parts for you to choose from. Burk pumps are known for their low maintenance and long lasting durability.
If you require a cooler tower, boiler feed, boiler recovery, water recovery, or solvent pump then we have the right product for you. We also keep in stock a variety of burks pumps.
Regenerative Turbine Pumps
- Models we carry at varying flows include: CR, CS, CT, EC, ED, ES, and ET. This burks pump is specifically manufactured for applications with high pressure and low flow. REMA regenerative turbine pumps are made with sealing grooves that connect the raceway and impeller to ensure you get a strong seal that lasts forever.
End Suction Pumps
- We stock REMA end suction pumps in models G5, G6, GA4, GA5, and GA6. The heavy-duty wall castings and cast iron case make these burks pumps the most versatile. Made for efficient performance they are ideal for all types of industrial and commercial facilities.
Vertical Inline Pumps
- Our in-stock model of vertical inline pumps is GB in-line, the most versatile because it can be installed at different angles. Made from solid iron or bronze and featured with a mechanical seal for no leaks, makes them extremely durable. You can even easily remove them for maintenance without worrying about the piping system.
Condensate Return Pumps
- A GV6 flange mount model pump is a quick and easy installation. This pump provides an automatic return of condensation and can be used to return water to overhead tanks, making it the ideal pump for industrial circulating systems.

Condensate Receivers
REMA Dri-Vac Corporation condensate receivers are by far the best in the industry. They are manufactured to be easy to install and control. REMA SS duplex model receivers are made with a 304 2B stainless steel finish. Built with tough materials and solid construction, you can count on these receivers for their long-lasting durability.
REMA Dri-Vac condensate receivers
- These REMA receivers will save not only energy but maintenance costs, having a positive effect on your business bottom line. When condensate is returned to the boiler you get a valuable resource that is never wasted.
- We carry both simplex and duplex receivers that offer easy installation and operation. They come with a ⅛” vent line with optional thermometer, sight glass, and control panel availability. Our SS models are made with 11 gauge stainless steel that ensures durability.
Why You Need A Condensate Receiver
- When it captures the condensate from the boiler to be reused, you get serious efficiency. You also get the bonus of reduced corrosion, a steady temperature and a reduction in product quality issues.
Saves You Money
- Just how do condensate receivers save you money? Decrease blowdown saves on energy costs because condensate is like distilled water so there are no dissolved solids found in the boiler. Condensate creates less of a need for new water and water cleaning chemicals. You also avoid state penalty fees that are put in place to protect what goes into the sewer systems.
Additional Features
- Features not previously mentioned include: low height NPT inlets, Square D float switch and square D mechanical alternator on SS simplex models, and pump seal maximum temperature 225 degrees F.

Return Systems
REMA has been building return systems for the industry since 1947. With rugged steel frames and heavy-duty welded seams, they are ideal for all scale commercial pumping. We can customize your return systems to your specific needs with tanks that range from 8 to 500 gallons, and with vertical and horizontal designs for your business convenience.
Additional features include: Full control panels, syphon and non-syphon, duplex, triplex and quadplex pump setups, and 4gauge, 11 gauge, 3/16-inch steel and stainless steel options.
Horizontal Return Systems
- Horizontal tank seams are attached to a 1 ¼ steel inch frame. REMA can customize these tanks to your business needs and come 14 or 11 gauge sizes, available in 3/16-inch and stainless steel options. REMA tanks come with a range of an 8- to 53-gallon capacity and a boiler horsepower capacity of 40 HP in both 11 and 14 gauge sizes.
Vertical Return Systems
- These systems are ideal when you don’t have the extra space. They take up only 18 inches of floor space and come with a 1 1/4-inch steel frame on an 11 gauge steel tank. Float assembly and fixtured gauge glass are also built into the system. These vertical return systems are great if you need a maximum pump head pressure and no vapor lock. Gallon capacity is 26 to 70 gallons with a maximum boiler horsepower of 50 HP.
Rectangular Return Systems
- This system offers the same return system features but in a new shape. The new rectangular return system has straight edges and a stainless steel construction. It comes in either 304 stainless steel or 11-gauge steel. These systems are available in two different formats to prevent backflow and ensure it is not entering the public water system, making it ideal for local code requirements.
Non-Syphon Return Systems
- These non-syphon return systems protect the environment against the reinsertion of polluted water into municipal systems They can be customized to your needs and come in a range of 26 to 70 gallons with a max 50 HP. Non-syphon systems have 11 gauge standard tanks and 3/16 inch stainless steel models.
Extra Large Return Systems
- REMA extra large tanks come with a max 500 gallon capacity in 11 gauge steel, 3/16-inch steel, and stainless steel options.

Parts and Service
We offer repair services and stock a wide variety of Rema Dri-Vac products.
If you have not found the REMA product you are looking for, no worries. We offer a wide range of items to fit every need your business has. Other products we offer include:
- Motor Starters
- Hose Clamps
- Assorted Float valves
- Float Switches
- Solenoid Valves
- Control Panels
- Piping
- Valves
- Nipples
- Elbows
- Strainers
- Steam Traps
- Barnes Pumps
- Weinman Pumps
- Deming Pumps
- Grundfos Pumps
- Unions
- Sump Tanks
- Holding Tanks
- Wash Down Tanks
- Steel and Stainless Steel Sheets
- Angle Iron
- Welding Wire
- Welding Rod
- Rema Equipment Paint
- Misc. Motors
Factory Trained and Authorized
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. is a leading manufacturer of high quality, dry cleaning steam equipment for more than six decades. At Gulf Coast Equipment Sales we are proud to be a licensed re-seller for all REMA Dri-Vac Corporation machines and parts.
Our team is factory trained and authorized to provide service for all REMA equipment and products.

Contact Us
Are you ready to order your brand new Fulton machine or need parts for your current one? Be sure to call us. Whether you need brand parts or would like to speak with a factory technician, we’d love to hear from you.